Admission Announcement

19-5-19 下午1:59 作者:IAO 【

Admission Announcement

Since it was discovered that someone was illegally counterfeiting the admission documents, Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) would like to make the following announcements: 

1. WUT sticks to a strict and standard procedures for the review and admission of international students, and there are normative formats and templates for admission materials. 

2. WUT would post the admission notice and visa application form (JW202 or JW201) at the same package to qualified applicants to the address they provided for online application. WUT would not require applicants to pay tuition fee and accommodation fee in advance. 

3. Except for the registration fee (500 RMB), the published tuition fee and accommodation fee (, WUT never collect any other fees or authorizes any third party to collect fees. There is a designated account at our beneficiary bank - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) for the fee collection. International students can pay at the bank or pay at the International Student Office by swiping bank card upon their registration. 

4. WUT holds a yearly review system for all types of scholarship students, only those who pass the annual qualification can have the scholarship for next year. Students will not be promised to get scholarship guaranteed for more than one year before the registration or annual qualification review.

 5. Students should apply directly via the online application website ( and pay attention to distinguish the counterfeit from the genuine when receiving the admission documents and making payments. WUT shall not be liable for the students' losses caused by their personal reasons. 

 6. You may write to for help.


近期发现有人非法假冒武汉理工大学来华留学生录取通知书。现 就有关事项声明如下:

1、我校对来华留学生的的录取有严格的审核和报批流程,所出 具的录取通知书的均有规范的内容和格式。

2、我校决定录取来华留学生的通知书与签证申请表(JW202 或 201 表)同时报批并寄发至申请人提供的邮寄地址,不存在先交学费 再申办 JW202 和 201 表的情况。 

3、我校除 500 元注册费以及公布的学费、住宿费标准外,从未 收取任何其他费用或者委托任何第三方代收费用。学生应缴费用均通 过学校在中国工商银行设立专用账户收取,或在报到后在固定时段到 留学生管理办公室刷卡支付。

 4、我校各类来华留学生的奖学金实行一年一审制,年度评审合 格方可享受下一年度相应奖学金资格,不存在未报到或者未通过年审 即可享受一学期以上奖学金的情况。 

5、请同学们在申请我校时,直接通过武汉理工大学国际学生在 线服务系统提交申请材料,注意辨别录取材料的真伪,在转账汇款时 提高自我防范意识。如因个人原因造成的损失,我校概不负责。 


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